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Then, of course, I realised that I also needed to be able to count the words in one or more selected shapes (in addition to the count for the whole canvas).

so I needed version two, pasted below.

property pTitle : "Word Count for OmniGraffle"
property pVersion : ".002"

-- Ver 2 adds a postscript giving a separate total for words in those shapes which are currently selected.

set text item delimiters to space
tell application id "com.omnigroup.OmniGrafflePro"
	set oWin to front window
	tell canvas of oWin
		set lngWords to count of words of ((text of solids) as text)
		set {strCanvas, strDoc} to {name, name of oWin}
	end tell
	set lngSelnWords to 0
	set lngSolids to 0
	set lstSeln to selection of oWin
	if length of lstSeln > 0 then
		repeat with oGraphic in lstSeln
				set lngSelnWords to lngSelnWords + (count of words of text of oGraphic)
				set lngSolids to lngSolids + 1
			end try
		end repeat
	end if
	set strReport to (lngWords as string) & " words in" & return & return & strCanvas ¬
		& " of " & return & return & strDoc
	if lngSelnWords > 0 then
		set strReport to ((strReport & return & return & "(Including " & lngSelnWords as string) & ¬
			" words in " & lngSolids as string) & " selected " & my pl(lngSolids, "shape") & ")."
	end if
	display dialog strReport buttons {"OK"} with title pTitle & " Ver " & pVersion with icon 1
end tell

on pl(lngNum, strTerm)
	if absolute(lngNum) is not 1 then
		strTerm & "s"
	end if
end pl

on absolute(num)
	if num < 0 then
	end if
end absolute