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I'm not always near my computer (no, not even my laptop is always with me), but I am always near my iPhone. I have a "Note" note which reads as follows:

GTD Daily Review

Start iPhone sync and laptop backups
Collect stuff from mailbox -> intray
Loose papers from backpack or computer bags -> intray
Mouse and camera batteries on charge

c/f GTD Flow Chart
Paper mail
Delicious "todo" bookmarks
Tickler & Daily folders
Check calendar for the coming week

Paper, email and OmniFocus inboxes empty?

What is my next action?
As you can see it's rough and ready - when I am not home I can still go through it (I collect my PO Box mail, at the very least) and be somewhat organised.

Not as thorough as Curt's lists, but it is enough for me to get focus my attention onto planning things in my life instead of having life happen to me.