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Originally Posted by GeekLady
As long as it doesn't force a user to do things in a non-GTD way, I don't see what harm is done by including non-GTD concepts.
There are at least two potential harms:
  • Including non-GTD features could delay the release of the software. (Or more selfishly for those of us in the sneaky-peek, delay the fixing of bugs.)
  • The art of elegant software design is largely about what to leave out. Including every requested feature results in products like Microsoft makes. "Is this GTD?" is one reasonable criterion among many for evaluating feature requests.

Arguments among alpha testers about what features to include is always a popular sport. We often see the selection of features as a zero-sum game. "If you get your priorities, I might not get my meta-data fields. Egads!" It's somewhat more complicated than that, of course.

That said, I agree that priorities are a reasonable feature request and can fit well within a GTD methodology, though they can be a planning rat-hole if one isn't careful.
