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Originally Posted by colicoid View Post
AND; don't use due dates for this. Due dates should be reserved for "hard dates". A hard date is when something needs to be done before that date or something nasty will happen (send in taxes, pay phone bill, give report to Boss before he goes on vacation etc.).
The thing I'm struggling with is: how do you define what "nasty" is? I mean, how serious does a consequence need to be before the action warrants a due date?

I've been using OmniFocus for about a year, setting due dates for only the very most important items. However, recently I've started to wonder if maybe I should put them to greater use.

For example, I have an old motorcycle in the garage. I rarely ride it these days, but I still need to run the engine on occasion to keep the carburetors from getting gummed up. I have a recurring OmniFocus action to "Run motorcycle", set to repeat on completion.

If I let that bike sit for months, the world's not going to end. But if it sits for more than 6 weeks, chances are the carbs will start to deteriorate and I'll have to go through the trouble of disassembling and cleaning them (not fun).

So I'm thinking of setting a 6 week due date on the action, even though it's not really part of my hard landscape. I could run the bike later, but the longer I wait, the greater the risk.

I have other similar actions, like changing the furnace filter. It's no big deal if I'm a bit late in changing it, but at some point the consequences get worse and worse. Should it have a due date?

