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Sorry for the trouble this may be causing!

The folks that are encountering problems like this should zip up their databases and send them to the support ninjas so we can try to determine what's going on here. It would be helpful if you include your forum name somewhere in the email the database is attached to.

The database is stored in
<your home folder>/Library/Application Support/OmniFocus
and is named "OmniFocus.ofocus" or "OmniFocus" depending on the state of your Finder preferences.

(If you're having trouble on the phone and don't use the Mac app, contact the ninjas - there's a different process we can use to get a copy of your data.)

Once we have more data, we can get to the bottom of what folks are seeing.

Last edited by Brian; 2009-03-24 at 02:32 PM.. Reason: add info for phone-only customers, add ninja address.