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Originally Posted by deanloh View Post
I've been wanting to bring this up ever since I started to use both iPhone and iPad versions of Omnifocus (of course, have always been using the Mac version too!)

In Mac version, we can easily flag actions by clicking on the flag icon in the action row. I love that. It's how it's done anyway.

But in the mobile versions, not only it isn't straightforward, it is also inconsistent between iPhone and iPad version as well. I can understand both apps were probably built by different developers, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't hurt to at least try to keep the same ways of getting certain things done.

In iPhone version, to flag an action, we first tap to view the details, scroll down, then tap On or Off in the flag field.

Likewise in iPad version, we go into details, but instead of On or Off, we see Flagged or Unflagged. Yes I know it's color coded, but honestly, it took me a while to get used to it.
I've been thinking about this as I start to use flags. I would love to see a swipe left gesture used to flag or unflag something on the iPhone. That way you could easily scan a list and set or remove the flags without losing your train of thought.