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Originally Posted by Lizard View Post
The problem with adding alarms to OmniFocus is that they would only trigger when OmniFocus is the actively running app on your phone. We can't run anything in the background.
This is a SHAME, because a feature I've been dreaming about (and almost dread to suggest for fear of sounding too much like a sci-fi geek) is a location-based alarm system, whereby you can instruct OF to alert you to perform an action when you are near a particular location. But, if no background activity is allowed, there is no way this dream can become reality...

Imagine, though: no more need to guesstimate when you'll be home, to set a time-based alarm to remind you, "fill the dog's water bowl". You could program a location-based alarm to alert you as soon as you walk in the door (or onto your home's GPS grid location, to be exact...).

Oh, well. You guys should push Apple on this feature, though. It could even be a whole other program, and you can charge a gazillion for it (just don't forget my royalties...)

Omar Canosa, M.D.