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I use folders to group my projects into my areas of focus and I do create a Someday/Maybe folder within that folder for the on-hold projects for that AOF. I just find it cleaner.

A lot of my projects get defined and may actually span months or even years and in a few rare cases decades before completion so I don't want to lose the planning I already did and I don't want to move them in and out of a totally separate giant someday/maybe folder so I create smaller ones. I also have a large population of projects, I typically have between 150-200 active current projects at any given time and a further 500-600 or so on-hold.

I tried using on-hold projects for books, movies etc. but the list of books I want to read is already at 400+ and it got unwieldy in OF. It's now all in Amazon on either my paper book or kindle wishlists ;-) Ditto for movies to see except they are now on Netflix.