Thread: Time Management
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I do the big rocks easier since there are a few of them. I hear some others using just flags in OmniFocus to do a similar approach. Personally, blocking out times ahead of time like you do has proven to work best for me. So, that part is great. But.. So, do you really handle all else via OmniFocus (i.e. to call at a certain time, appointments, meeting time, other time sensitive reminders, etc, ..)? I'm learning maybe that's what I need to get better at. So hard to give up the nice layout of a calendar for time sensitive things though. I guess I need to just be ready to jump on things when the OF reminder pops up? So far it seems a little easier to see on my daily calendar if there are any time sensitive stuff.. I would love it if you tell me a little more how you handle the time sensitive things, will you? Let's say you have an appointment at 3pm that day. From what I gather that stays in OmniFocus. How do you know you have that during that day for example?