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Just to finish this thread I have tried drag'n'drop between two finder windows and that does not work either.

The file that gives the problem is OmniFocus~.ofocus and the error message is "You cannot copy the item "root=CA6138A6-7E8A-4A43-B40F-7AFDFF25AC/1E7B9A01-0DA4-48E1-B510-018FD631AD7D.xml@ because the name is too long or includes characters that the disk cannot display." This is a drag'n'drop from an iMac HD to a Server.

Trying to drag an OmniFocus backup like OmniFocus 2007-05-23 065126.ofocus produces the same error message.

If other users are seeing the same problem if makes me wonder how we are going to backup to Windows 2003 servers. There is no problem backing up to external HDs connected by firewire.
