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Just got the 14-day demo of OG Pro and am building a hierarchical diagram of different data sets. I found the outline sidebar and overall ease of use for this quite good, but I find one aspect very perplexing. After making the diagram, I am now trying to do some resizing of the boxes at one level (row). I resized one of the 12 boxes manually using its corner in order to fit around the text more snugly and provide a better fit on the page.

I now want to apply that same size to all of the other shapes (rectangles) at the same "level" in the chart. It would seem that I should be able to use the shape chit in the tray to apply the new size to any of the other boxes, but it doesn't work - it appears that the size of a shape is not an attribute of the shape that can be copied since it also does not work if I try to copy the style of the newly sized rectangle to another. What am I missing? It would seem like that would be a totally accepted process for changing the size of multiple objects to match one another. Do I have to go and manually resize each object? What a hassle if that is true!!!
