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I think everyone comes to a point when some arbitrary info on the project needs to be remembered, and some of us use the 'notes' of the project item for that purpose. But I can propose another approach.

Chances are, the information that you want stored is related to the workflow of the project. For example, your "Spoke with so-and-so on the phone today - our launch date is delayed 2 weeks and this is why" is a result of the process "speak with John Doe and determine next steps that are needed for this project to proceed". So, give your project more actions with details!

If you see that there is no immediate 'next step' for the project, or you see that the OF shows you the next step that actually can not be done, then I suggest you sit and think. After you have come up with an idea that you have to discuss the fate of the project with another person, add an action labeled "discuss next steps with Joe" and make it the first action in the list. After you have finished the discussion, enter all important conversation detail in the notes of the "discuss" item, then change your project actions' hierarchy according to the ideas you have come up with, then check the "discuss" item complete.

If you ever need to have a spiritualistic séance with the ghosts of the past (like, "what I've been thinking of when I have set up a project this way?") - you set the View to All and see your notes in the right place - in these particular decision points.

That's the way I do it. Hope it helps.