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Thank you for the post Brian. All valid points.

Later in the document I change the photocopy contexts to School... meaning, it needs to be done walking around the school.

I also detail an example where a teacher is working at their desk, they complete three different actions at their computer, and the next actions of photocopy appear in the school context.

The teacher goes to lunch, and on the way back flips open their mobile OmniFocus, sees they can stop by the photocopier on the way back, and makes the photocopies.

I go back and forth between granularity.
The beauty of breaking down tasks into small grains appears when they have different contexts. I call it breaking the list into contexts, because now you are looking at many different actions from different projects in one context.

As for the habitual, I am by no means always this detailed. But for habitual projects that take more than a couple weeks to complete, it's extremely helpful to have the detail level of the project. Especially when a person is working on more than a couple of the same type of projects at the same time.