Thread: Build error
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I had a similar problem. It looks like the Release build tries to compile OAGeometryTests.m... which relies on external functions defined in NSBezierPath-OAExtensions.m... which are #if def'ed out when building for Release... which can't be changed or you get an error for an unused var in those functions because OBAssert is never called...

I worked around it by adding similar #if def statements to OAGeometryTests.m as follows:

@interface OAGeometryTests : OATestCase

#if defined(DEBUG) || defined(COVERAGE) || defined(TEST_INTERNAL_FUNCTIONS)
extern void testLineLineIntersections(void);
extern void testLineCurveIntersections(void);

@implementation OAGeometryTests

#if defined(DEBUG) || defined(COVERAGE) || defined(TEST_INTERNAL_FUNCTIONS)
- (void)testLineLineIntersections

- (void)testLineCurveIntersections

Also, as for changing the install location, you should be able to set the OMNI_PRODUCT_DIRECTORY varible with the following command (all one line):

$ OMNI_PRODUCT_DIRECTORY="˜/Documents/Xcode/Frameworks/Omni" ./Scripts/Build Frameworks install
...without the leading dollar sign of course. Just look at the Build file -- it's a Unix shell script (if you aren't familiar with shell scripts, it's worth learning!).

- scott

p.s. i hate php forums that require creating accounts.