Thread: Flags
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Originally Posted by titchywy View Post
I use flags as a "do today" marker. Each morning, or the night before, I look over my next actions and flag what I want to do today. Love to see a small list whittle down to nothing as the day goes on.
Yeah I love this approach and I use it myself too.

In my opinion, you should never use due dates UNLESS it's absolutely a deadline. Randomly assigning due dates or estimating due dates is a bad idea. You will end up changing due dates a lot when it's not working out as you might have planned, which defeats the purpose.

That's why I love the flagging approach. It is up to you to figure out what the best use of your time is. In Covey syntax, it's pro-active, non-urgetn, important, and for the long-term. You can flag what you want to complete today or this week.