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Originally Posted by iNik View Post
OmniFocus is the one and only place I put stuff I need to remember to do, and popping up an easily-ignored and quickly fading Growl notification just doesn't cut it at all.
This doesn't solve your entire need, but you can configure Growl to leave OmniFocus reminders on the screen instead of fading them out. (Go to the Growl Preference Pane, then the Applications tab. Select OmniFocus and click Configure. Change the Stay on Screen setting to Always.)

In conjunction with this, it's helpful to know that clicking the OF icon in the Growl notification switches to OF and selects the action. Also, option-clicking the close icon in a Growl notification closes all the notifications from that application.

Growl can also be configured to send emails or SMS messages, though I haven't tried that.
