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sqlite3 is a standard command in OS X installations.

Probably only an option if you're familiar with (or happy to learn) some SQL.

For the relevant dialect of SQL:

Google searches for
filemaker sqlite3 | sqlite
will lead you to examples of the options for reading from the FileMaker end.

(as I mentioned, writing to the cache is not an option)

You can track down the location of the OmniFocus sqlite cache by running code like:


on GetCachePath()
	set strDefaultFolder to "~/Library/Caches/com.omnigroup.OmniFocus"
	set strAppStoreFolder to "~/Library/Caches/com.omnigroup.OmniFocus.MacAppStore"
	set strDBName to "OmniFocusDatabase2"
	set strCacheFolder to strDefaultFolder
	if (do shell script ("test -d " & strCacheFolder & "; echo $?")) ≠ "0" then
		set strCacheFolder to strAppStoreFolder
		if (do shell script ("test -d " & strCacheFolder & "; echo $?")) ≠ "0" then return ""
	end if
	return strCacheFolder & "/" & strDBName
end GetCachePath