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Originally Posted by Brian View Post
I think all you need to do is insert
with properties {start date:current date}
at the end of the line, but my applescript is kinda rusty. If that doesn't work, give us a link to the script you're tring to modify and folks can probably be of more assistance.
I have a similar question. I schedule tasks based on a per-day granularity, so my "Default Time for Due Dates" is set to 11:59pm, not 12:00am. Therefore, when I set a task to due "today", it is really due within that calendar day, and not automatically overdue.

So, I want my applescript to do the right thing, which is to set a task due "today", which respects the "Default Time for Due Dates". "current date" gets you the current date and time, not the "today" value.