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Welcome to the forums, OttoBackwards! Recurring tasks in OmniFocus are ones that recreate themselves with an updated due date every time you check them off.

As an example, if you check off a daily repeating action, a new action due tomorrow will appear. If you don't check that task off, it'll move into the "Overdue" category, but the due date will remain set to yesterday.

OmniFocus doesn't slide tasks from day to day in the manner you're suggesting - it assumes that you're going to use due dates relatively sparingly, in 'drop dead' cases. We occasionally see folks try to use sliding deadlines in this manner, but in our experience, that approach eventually trains you to ignore due dates completely.

For a task like that, where you'd like to get it done but it's not critical if it doesn't happen, I'd suggest a flagged task with no due date attached. That'll keep it on your radar screen without actually cluttering up your Due soon or Overdue tasks.

Hope that helps!