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My database is 60+MB.

I -do- have a lot of embedded attachments. And I like them and want to continue embedding attachments. The attachments are relevant to the tasks... and I don't want to archive them in my filesystem (scanned recipts, scanned hand writted notes, files that need my review and approval, etc).

I want them to live in OF go away when the task goes away. It's a perfect GTD system. My projects live in OF and my archives live in my archives, and nothing gets into my archives unless I choose to retain it. (Archives live mostly in DevonThink).

This should not stop me from syncing my iphone. If it does, I think it's a serious design flaw. Why design an app that can accept embedded attachments, but have that break the sync functionality, or vs versa...

If the size of the database, due to my attachment, is what is breaking this sync, I really hope that this flaw is addressed in the next release...

BTW–*I don't need the attachments on the iphone...