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Originally Posted by Justin Chapman View Post
I use Omnioutliner to write construction specifications. I then use the Excel XML Plugin to export for ongoing number-crunching etc. My question is whether it is possible to retain the legal outline numbering I have showing in Omnioutliner. When exported this does not show in any form in the Excel document. Ideally the numbers would be exported into their own column. Does anyone have any sugestions for a way/hack for achieving this?
Hi Justin,

A few questions if you can help me out.

1. Were u able to acheieve your "Numbered Outline Export"?
2. When I do the XML export from Ommioutliner and open Excel, I lose the indententation as well (everything row is left aligned instead). Do you have a solution to this as well?

I'm trying to export the data (keeping the same format) to Excel and do additional sorting, filtering via Excel. Appreciate any insight you have on this.

Thanks a lot!