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Hi guys,

Recently became an OmniFocus user (switched from Things) and so far I think its outstanding :) (I'm just getting used to the GTD ethos and have ordered the Dave Allen book to further understand the process...)

Anyway, I would like a quick mental leg-up in terms of contexts... I'm finding it hard to find the right contexts for what I am doing.

In a nutshell I run a graphic and web design business and 95% of the content I put into OmniFocus are things that will be done a) in the office b) at my mac c) in collaboration with some or all of my team. Therefore I don't see the advantage of using the standard contexts such as Office / Home / Mac etc since the vast majority of my projects will all be done in the same place, with the same people, using the same tools.

So... What would be the best way for me to use contexts to get the most out of this excellent program?

Thanks :)