Thread: Contexts?
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Originally Posted by Arild View Post
Did you consider context trees? I have @home with sub contexts "MBP" for example. Not a lot of those, but that gives me exactly what I need in terms of a more granular control of my @home-stuff. And as mentioned by others, you can cmd+click on multiple contexts (I combine "Assigned To : (Names)" and "Contacts : (Names)" for example) and save them as perspectives. !
Yes, and these are helpful in some cases. I have an "errands" context, for example, and then a couple of sub-contexts underneath for particular stores. This is helpful since it allows me to see all errands or just errands particular to a store.

But it doesn't actually resolve the issue that you can really on set contexts efficiently along a single dimension, because the subcategories by definition cannot apply across different contexts. They let you slice the loaf into thinner slices, but you can't cut in a different direction, if you see what I mean.

Originally Posted by Arild View Post

To me, it sounds difficult to achieve multiple contexts without the introduction of advanced filtering and analytical procedure - again, back to complex ad hoc queries à la Things OR towards a relational database setup that allows for preset advanced filters. Personally, I wish for neither.
You may be right -- I'm certainly not a programmer and don't really know what's involved on the technical side. In terms of user experience, though, I'm not looking for anything all that ambitious. For that matter, I could wring a lot of value out of something as simple as having a set of 10 colored flags to assign instead of just one. OTOH, I realize that OF already has a bit of a reputation as being complicated for new users to use, so I recognize that trade-offs between usability and power have to be made.