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Originally Posted by DGD
Setting page margins
The Prgram is a liitle non responsive when altrering the dimensions of the margins.

Once the new margin dimensions are set they only remain in force while the program is open and are not saved for later use. This also applies to the header and footer text.
We have feature requests filed for saving margins and header/footer text, so I'll add a vote to them for you.

We're aware of the print margins acting a bit slow, it seems to redraw the print preview as you type each number. Our engineers are looking into ways to make this more responsive.

Originally Posted by DGD
I like to see the shading for complete non working days, such as weekends and holiday dates, as is possible in MS Project.
If you go to "View" > "Gantt Chart" and check "Show Off-Hours", it should show the off days and off hours in a different shade. Is this what you're looking for?

Originally Posted by DGD
I understand that you intend to improve the print routine here are some suggestions:-

Multi line, Headers and Footers with fonts set to paper size, rather than scaled with program.

Multiple views for saving with the respective file

Hide pre-selected columns when printing chart

Option to automatically print filename, date, etc
These are all on our to-do list for OmniPlan's printing features. I'll add a vote to each one.