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I was hoping this would be the place to ask. I've been searching the internet everywhere for the answer but can't find it.

I keep hearing everyone saying this in passing, that they prefer the iPad OmniFocus version over OSX for doing their weekly reviews, but I can't seem to find the reasons why, aside from perhaps the addition of the Forecast view.

When I have the patience to sit down and do the review process, it usually involves restructuring projects by dragging things around and moving projects into different folders etc. I like the idea of getting away from the office and just using the iPad but I find it so tedious and slow to go through the many taps it takes to move each action, or build hierarchies within a project. If sorting a project on OSX can take 1 minute, it seems iOS would take at least twice or thrice the time!

I know I must be missing something, so I'm hoping someone can point out the reasons why they find the iPad version superior for Reviews, and if I should be looking at things differently. Maybe a suggested article/video?

Are you faster at doing Reviews on the iPad? Do you do some of the Review on the iPad and the rest on OSX?
