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FYI, this documentation can be found here. The short answer is that variables are found in the Edit > Insert Variable menu. I was also trying to over-complicate things with code references and/or secret commands.

Originally Posted by ape

The OmniGraffle online help has a section on this. I've included most of it below:

Insert Variable
While you are editing a shape object's text, select one of these commands to insert a special tag. When you finish editing the text, the tag changes to represent some aspect of the object itself, the canvas, the page, or the document. If you change the thing the tag refers to, the tag automatically updates itself.
If you are using one of the date variables, you can customize the format of the date using Cocoa's date formatting tokens. For example, to get a date like "2005 - 10 - 06 16:00", you could type this:
<%date %Y - %m - %d %H:%M %>
Canvas Name — the name of the canvas the object inhabits.
Document Name — the name of the document the object inhabits.