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Hi there!
I am missing this feature a lot as well. I actually quit entering the time, because I can't use it on my iOS-devices (which I use a lot for choosing my next action).
I am a little surprised that it's not implemented for two reasons:
1. It doesn't seem to be a very elaborate feature (e.g. compared to the perspectives) - or am I a bit naive about just adding a further field to db and views?
2. You're very strict about GTD (e.g. not offering multiple contexts - very sad!) - but this is a rather integral part of GTD. I think David Allen suggest to choose one's next action by context>energy level>time>pay-off..

Please, don't get me wrong. I really appreciate your work. OF is a very reliable and efficient software (complex). Hence, I am wondering, why this feature has been left behind for so long?
