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This is absolutely great! I use this application daily with Pomodoro and love what you came up with RobTrew!

Thanks marekp you beat me to posting something similar. Also just in case anyone stumbles across this thread you can modify the script used in this app by right clicking on the Pomodoro app and choosing "Show Package Contents" and gong to the resource folder and then changing the script called "getToDoListFromOmniFocus.applescript"

You have to of course save the script and then close and reopen Pomodoro for this to work.

Since it is somewhat related to this post, I use the following script to display in large print in QuickSilver the time the Pomodoro will be done for quick reverence.

on getTimeInHoursAndMinutes(aDate)
	set ts to time string of aDate
	set hm to text 1 thru word 2 of ts
	if ((count ts's words) is 4) then set hm to hm & space & word 4 of ts
	return hm
end getTimeInHoursAndMinutes

--say "I will have a five minute window at " & getTimeInHoursAndMinutes((current date) + 25 * minutes) & " thanks" using "Alex"

tell application "Quicksilver" to show large type (my getTimeInHoursAndMinutes((current date) + 25 * minutes))
I have QuicKeys start ProTimers (which is free in the app store) since it has a larger count down and then stop it for breaks and start my break counter.

The great thing about this in addition to its size is that it shows you how much overtime you have done on your break and Pomodoro if you break the Pomodoro rule.

I can send you the details of how it starts and stops them, and how it handles interruptions if you are interested. Thanks both for helping me out a bunch with this post!