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Originally Posted by RobTrew View Post
I haven't succeeded in controlling filtering through Applescript, but here is a script which highlights all tasks whose notes contain a user entered string - expanding those notes, and collapsing all other notes:
Hi Rob (or other applescript Ninja's). This would be a useful script for me (love the notes) but can't get it to run with OP2. I've changed the App Call to 'OPla' to get through first error but now stuck with this error.

error "OmniPlan got an error: Can’t set note expanded of every task of project of document \"do this\" to false." number -10006 from note expanded of every task of project of document "do this"
Any ideas/fixes would be greatly appreciated, (i'm bit of a noob to Omni ASscript and AScript in general)



PS. Omnininjas - Another Vote for a Filter by 'Note' - would be the most useful features I can think of for simple flexibility.