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Originally Posted by devastat View Post
If anyones interested, after an intensive 6 hour session I have now managed to make Omnifocus work very much like Things. I now have Today, Next, Scheduled and Someday perspectives in my OF. This is great as i get the workflow of Things as well as all the benefits of Omnifocus (nested projects, forecast, advanced reviewing, great project view, cloudsync etc..)

Only "extra mile" I have to do is that when I schedule my tasks, I have to remember to flag them in order to get them automated into Today list on a start date (as well as to get my Scheduled perspective to be formatted correctly). However I can still flag items to appear onto Today list.

I have no idea how you are "supposed" to use Omnifocus, but this gives me a great startup in a familiar methodology I so much have grown to love, yet it gives me the flexibility to use the advanced features of OF.

I didn't think this was possible, but it was.

P.S Wish there was a way on the iPhone app to get chosen perspectives into the main screen like in the iPad version.

If you don't want to use due dates at all and use start dates exclusively, you can set up the perspective focusing on start dates. I have a view that shows all available tasks grouped by start dates and sorted by due dates within the group.

Again, the key is flexibility offered by OF. I can put several perspectives on the toolbar and flip back and forth . . .

I believe you will realize that once you have set up the system in OF, you will do doing more to getting things done rather than spending more time trying to work around the limitations imposed by Things.

My understanding as far as OF for Mac, iPhone, and iPad is that they will migrate best of features of each version onto other platforms, but certain things will be different given different platform design philosophy (e.g., screen size, etc.).