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Trying to run the .sh file does throw up some errors as below:

Last login: Mon Feb 11 18:04:34 on ttys000
unknown-44-4c-0c-e4-3e-2c:~ billwestwood$ /Users/billwestwood/Library/Scripts/OmniFocus/
/Users/billwestwood/Library/Scripts/OmniFocus/ line 1: {rtf1ansiansicpg1252cocoartf1187cocoasubrtf340: command not found
/Users/billwestwood/Library/Scripts/OmniFocus/ line 2: {fonttblf0fnilfcharset0: command not found
/Users/billwestwood/Library/Scripts/OmniFocus/ line 2: f1fnilfcharset0: command not found
/Users/billwestwood/Library/Scripts/OmniFocus/ line 2: f2fnilfcharset0: command not found
/Users/billwestwood/Library/Scripts/OmniFocus/ line 3: syntax error near unexpected token `}'
/Users/billwestwood/Library/Scripts/OmniFocus/ line 3: `}'
unknown-44-4c-0c-e4-3e-2c:~ billwestwood$

At least I know how to test it now!