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I need to add a single ongoing project management task to the project, which will run at say, a day per week. So I added one and allocated myself 20% to that task, and it works OK - if I set 5 days effort, I get 5 weeks duration (so 1 day per week for 5 weeks)

Next I added in a couple of regular development tasks, but when I try to level it won't do it, and gives an error message. The problem appears to be that I'm allocated 100% to these tasks so I suppose it's trying to over allocate me.

If I reduce my allocation to 80% it works fine, but that doesn't seem a great way to do it - I don't want to have to go through the project and set all my other tasks to 80%. Am I missing something> Is there any way of running 2 tasks concurrently? Maybe I could create a "Me 20%" and a "Me 80%" resource?

Also, I found maybe a bug (or perhaps it's a feature). If I select two 100% assigned tasks, the inspector shows "200% of 100%", so it looks like to set each task to 80%, I should set the 200% to 160%, but no, you do indeed have to type 80%, and then it shows 160%. Very confusing - is there any value of showing the sum of the alllocated %'s?

Apart from that, I'm liking OmniPlan so far. I'm using it to plan a fairly large mainframe systems integration project in a company that currently uses MS Project, so it'll be getting a pretty good shakedown - hopefully the Project export is works OK.
