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Originally Posted by CatOne View Post
I seriously don't get it. You can lock your computer, you can lock your iPad, and you can lock your iPhone. All 3 products have that functionality built in, and it works great.

If you leave any of them unlocked, there's data in a lot of places besides just OmniFocus. Should each and every application that handles data have its own password lock? Behind that way lies madness.

There are perfectly good security mechanisms built into all the devices already, perhaps you should learn to use them.
Thanks for your reply CatOne, but not constructive. I asked for co-signs on those that were interested in it and not in shooting holes in the idea. (I'm trying to get something positive done).

The functionality you mention is a pacifier. Those mechanisms can be broken and OF is a database, which can be hacked. Just having the password on the device is not enough.

Let me ask you this: You own a safe at home? You of course have a home with a front door on it that's locked right? Well say you own that safe, do you just leave it unlocked and pray that the crooks don't break through your front door and steal everything in the safe?

If you owned a gun would you not lock that away and forget about putting the safety on?

Would you only get collision coverage on car insurance?

What's the worth to your right to privacy? Wouldn't you want to have as much protection as possible?

To enlighten you about the "silver lining" to iCloud check this out. It's a lecture by Columbia law professor Eben Moglen describing the new cloud-computing world as "the architecture of the catastrophe.":

What you don't realize in this day of the cloud-computing is that your data is being controlled by other people that can access it and exploit it for financial gain. It's already happened with google:

When are people going to wake up and see that their personal/private details to their lives must be protected otherwise they've lost the freedom of their own identity and individuality. Are we now just a collection of digits in this monopoly of technology?

I certainly don't want to be exploited, tracked or invaded for the benefit of enriching someone else's bank account. Perhaps one day you'll see the light pasts the clouds....