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Originally Posted by Young Daniel View Post
I would be very satisfied with a universal app with better resolution while we wait for a redesigned iPad specific app.
Agreed. While a closer to desktop version would be nice - the main thing I'm after is using the iPad keyboard. I'm used omnifocus on the iPad and while it works, it is a pain to type on - the small keyboard shape works great on the iPhone where my thumbs do all the typing, but when it's in the middle of the screen on the iPad it feels really clunky and it sort of feels like a toy.

Larger busineses may be slow to adapt ipads and integrate them into their work flow, but I'm the sole IT guy for a small business and to me the iPad integrates almost seamlessly into my work flow. The work computers are all windows (out of my control unless we can get our main vendor to rewrite their apps for os x, which won't happen). I've been dying to use omnifocus for work instead of just my personal use. I saw the iPad as a way to do this (I'd be doing too much typing for it to be practical on my iPhone) and was very excited at the prospect of using an iPad to do as such (it's really easy tintype on, I've done this whole post on my couch with my iPad it it just feels natural).

I think it should say a lot when someone as invested in the omnifocus platform (desktop app + iPhone app) would consider swapping platforms. That late 2010 thing really scared me as immediately after the iPad was announced I asked about iPad support and it sounded like it was coming (while no time frame was given, I really hoped it would be here for launch or soon after) and that cemented my purchase as I re-imagined a lot of my workflow.