Thread: A few questions
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Originally Posted by thecontinental

1. There's a color scheme difference between my Intel Mini at home and my TI Powerbook. The Intel machine views the toolbar with colors, the PB doesn't. (it's actually white and a dull blue) Is that something different between the Intel and PPC versions?
The dull blue sounds like the system preference setting for Graphite--But Forest already got this one...

2. I deleted the Favorites folder in Bookmarks by mistake. Didn't realize that folder holds the bookmarks bar links. I still have those links in the bar but would like to know how to get the Favorites folder back.
There is a "Tools" menu below the list of collections, your favorites should be listed in there, select it and it should reappear.

3. There was a handy feature in Safari where you could auto launch tabs from the toolbar with one click. That feature anywhere? Haven't see it.
We don't have a "New Tab" toolbar item which is what I think you're asking for here yet, we do have a request in our database for it though.

4. Liked how when Safari opened multiple tabs from a folder it would replace the previous tabs and not add to the tabs as OW does. When I control click on a bookmark folder in the toolbar and select "Open in current window" the new tabs are still added to the current tabs and doesn't replace them.
Try Command-Option-Click on a folder in the favorites bar.
