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Under 1.7 each perspective represents the settings for just one mode. The View Mode control tells OF which mode. You can also specify the perspective to be paired with the current one for viewing the other mode using the last option under "Restore" in the Perspectives window.

For example, I have a Default Planning Mode perspective that stores my most used project mode settings. I also have an Available Actions by Context perspective that stores my most used context mode settings. In the Preferences Window for Default Planning Mode, I set the perspective to be used for context mode to Available Actions by Context. Now if I open my Default Planning Mode perspective and use Cmd-2 to switch to context mode, it will use my Available Actions by Context settings.

Said another way, you need to save context mode settings to a context mode perspective and project mode settings to a project mode perspective. Once you've done that you can set up either sort of perspective to bring one of the other sort along for the ride.
