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Just did a little test, and here's what I've got so far (even though it doesn't appear to help much):

- I updated OmniFocus to 1.0.1 on my iPhone
- Seeing that I could go one of two directions afterwards, I chose to download the 1.0.1 update on iTunes, instead of plugging in the iPhone first
- Plugged in the iPhone after the update had downloaded
- Everything backed up and synced, no issues here on my end

That all said, I am wondering if the iTunes Backup Lottery may have come into play here for jahn, when I first got OmniFocus on my phone, it took three attempts to successfully back it up into iTunes.

I don't know how that played into hassler's use case.

Another follow-up question, are you both on Mac or Windows?
"Vroom! Vroom!!"