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Hi there,

Our campus runs a WebDAV service based on a product from Xythos. Whenever I sync to it via direct WebDAV using the "Advanced" setting, or via the "Disk" option with the same directory mounted as a network share, OF is able to create the OmniFocus.ofocus directory and write data files on the initial sync, but all subsequent syncs come back with the error:

Sep 5 11:18:36 dhcp-128-119-1-103 OmniFocus[99680]: Presenting application modal error for window Synchronization Preferences: {\n code = 2138;\n domain = "com.omnigroup.OmniFocus";\n userInfo = {\n NSLocalizedDescription = "Unable to synchronize database with server.";\n NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion = "cannot decode raw data";\n NSUnderlyingError = {\n code = -1015;\n domain = NSURLErrorDomain;\n userInfo = {\n NSErrorFailingURLKey = "";\n NSErrorFailingURLStringKey = "";\n NSLocalizedDescription = "cannot decode raw data";\n NSUnderlyingError = {\n code = -1015;\n domain = kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork;\n userInfo = {\n };\n };\n };\n };\n "com.omnigroup.framework.OmniBase.ErrorDomain.File LineAndNumber" = "/Volumes/Disk/Users/Shared/omnibuild/ReleaseProduct/Source/OmniGroup/Applications/Focus/App/Preferences/FocusSyncPreferences.m:317";\n };\n}

Has anyone seen this problem before?
