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Originally Posted by dansays
If you're using contexts in the traditional sense, how often are you really adding new ones? Mine change every once in a while, but certainly not enough that I need a complex keyboard shortcut syntax for adding them on the fly. Then again, it's probably just a function of my massive ego.
Did you know there was already a 'complex' keyboard shortcut for adding a context?

How is your input helping in any way? You think that your 'solutions', which really aren't solutions, they are more just typing about how to do things that anyone using OmniFocus knows, but I fail to see why you think you are being helpful in any way? Maybe you're just practicing typing?

In the first place, your 'solution' was already stated by the post above you.
In the second place, you aren't saying anything.

Thus my conclusion that the only reason you are offering your input is because you want to have an appearance that you know something.

It's like me going to an auto mechanic, and telling them there is a strange sound when I press on the gas pedal while turning right.

And you jump in and say, I can't imagine why anyone needs to turn right while pushing the gas pedal. Just push the gas pedal and don't turn right.