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I prefer a slight modification to Rob's script, which prints the name of the project as well. This allows one to run it with just an action selected and get the full name, useful in cases where you don't have the project name displayed.

property pTitle : "Show folder path"
property pVer : "0.03"

tell application id "OFOC"
	tell front document window of front document
		repeat with oPanel in {content, sidebar}
			set lstValue to value of (selected trees of oPanel where class of its value is project or class of its value is task)
			if length of lstValue > 0 then exit repeat
		end repeat
		if length of lstValue < 1 then return
		display dialog my FolderPath(first item of lstValue) buttons {"OK"} default button "OK" with title pTitle & "  ver. " & pVer
	end tell
end tell

on FolderPath(oNode)
	set str to ""
	tell application id "OFOC"
		set oParent to container of (containing project of oNode)
		repeat while class of oParent = folder
			set str to name of oParent & ":" & str
			set oParent to container of oParent
		end repeat
		set str to str & name of (containing project of oNode)
	end tell
	return str
end FolderPath