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Originally Posted by kaijin View Post
To check if this is the cause of your issue, go to context mode and select “All Projects” under “Context Filter” in the View Bar. Do you have any dropped contexts? Are there any tasks in those contexts? If so, make the contexts active; or assign the tasks to an active context/no context; or delete the tasks. The No Context count badge should decrease to match the items actually displayed in No Context.
This solved it! Thank you so much Kaijin!

There seems to be a discrepancy in how OF defines tasks in a dropped context, or at least the way OF handles such tasks can be confusing.
  • When you drop a context that contains tasks, OF preserves those tasks—and lists the dropped context—in their assigned projects.
  • When viewing those projects there is no visual indicator that a task's context has been dropped—the dropped context is still listed in the context column and inspector in the same manner as active contexts. (Note: Other tasks cannot be assigned to the dropped context—it does not appear in the drop down list in the context column, nor the inspector).
  • OF defines tasks of dropped contexts as having no context since the No Context badge count increases.
  • OF also defines these tasks as having a context, since the tasks aren't displayed in No Context and the dropped context is listed by the task in project mode.
I am unsure if this behavior is intended—an effort to balance the visibility of tasks assigned to dropped contexts—or if this is a bug. If you'd like OF to handle the No Context badge count in a different manner; or would like a some sort of visual cue** that indicates a dropped context in the context column, e.g., dropped context listed in italics in context column; or would like tasks in dropped contexts to be handled the same way as tasks in a deleted context*, please use Help > Send Feedback…

*Tasks assigned to a context that has been deleted will also remain in their projects but be assigned no context.

-- EDIT: **There is a cue, actually. Tasks assigned to dropped contexts are correctly defined as not available. --
This is confusing behaviour. I'd much prefer for tasks assigned to contexts that are then dropped to have their context field blank. I'll submit feedback about this as you mention.