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I'm finding that my people contexts have a different action meanings depending on the person.

For my boss, @Andrew usually means a task for me that I need to run by him when we are together, or something I have to do with him.

For a particular subordinate however, the context "Joel" is a list of tasks needing delegation to him (possibly at the next team briefing), or tasks that I am waiting to confirm that he has completed.

How do others handle this shift between "at someone" and "by someone"?

I could have 2-3 contexts for each person. e.g.

1. @ Joel
2. Done By Joel
3. Waiting for Joel

But this would start to give me quite a long and unwieldy context list once a number of people are added.

I suppose it is a result of using Omnifocus not only to do tasks, but to track tasks that are being done by other under my responsibility.