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There's a lot here; I think I have just a couple of things that I can say about my experience.

I would say, first, that I know what you mean about not having that sense of accomplishment at the end of the day. I think that is normal if, like me, you don't set out a today list, since at the end of the day, there will be probably a whole bunch of things that you still have available that weren't done. I think the beneficial part of the trade is that you get some sense of accomplishment when you complete projects that you wouldn't have seen a way to completing or wouldn't have ended up completing had you not broken them up.

Just briefly, I think that OF can enable procrastination, such as your issue with your math, because it allows you to pick from all of your available actions and, of course, that allows you to just never pick from your math actions. It is a little risky like that - I think you have to be careful.

The practical suggestion that may help with the math issue is to do a little re-ordering and a little adjustment to your view settings to help remind you how much you have to do your math. This is geared towards OF for the Mac, which I use, and it seems like you are just on OF for iPhone, so I don't know, I hope it helps. In any case, in your project list, I would move your math projects to the very top, or maybe, just below your review project. Then, in the context view, I would group by project or group by context and order by project, so that your math tasks are at or near the top. Then, you just have to remember that these tasks are at the top because you really have to do them.