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OK, Thanks to Curt and some of the code on this board, I hacked together a quick emacs script to note the current emacs buffer and make a new action. Comments welcome. No doubt my elisp is horrible...

(defun sendOmni () 
  (let ((fname (buffer-file-name (current-buffer))))
	(do-applescript (concat "tell front document of application \"OmniFocus\" 
                set aTask to (make new inbox task with properties {name:\"From Emacs " 
				(buffer-name (current-buffer)) "\", note:\"file:///" fname "  \" })
                    tell note of aTask
		      make new file attachment with properties {file name:\"" fname "\"}
	            end tell
             end tell"))
;; I use F3 for omnifocus clipping...
(global-set-key [f3] 'sendOmni)