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My company uses Bugzilla for tracking bugs in all our various projects. Whenever a user opens a new bug in a project I'm responsible for, the Bugzilla system sends me an email. I already have an working email filter that turns these into actions in my Inbox, then I manually set the project (always "Bugs") and context (always "Computer") to move them into place.

I'd really like to skip that last step, though. I run the Bugzilla system so I can edit the templates of the email it sends, and I've tried adding a line like:


at various places in the emails, but they still end up in my Inbox and without that project or context assigned. I also tried changing the first line of the email to be like:

-- "Title of bug">Bugs@Computer

which works beautifully, except that I also get an action in my Inbox that has just the subject of the bug email and nothing else (because the line above tells OmniFocus to start a new action, and the rest of the body of the email gets filed with that new action).

Is there a happy middle ground that would give me just one action, properly filed away, and not one action in my Inbox plus maybe another one that's filed correctly?