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Originally Posted by sgbotsford View Post
INow I'm a tree farmer. Whole different way of looking at things. Urgent isn't really. And importnt isn't really. But there are a lot of things that if you are going to deal with them at all, you deal with them in a particular window of the year.


As to contexts: I have a bunch of them, but some are location based, and some are time/situation based.
Exactly, I'm a sheep farmer. Lots of stuff is related to the seasons and can only be worked on in those seasons. I handle it by making projects either active (can be worked on this season) or on-hold and set some to have start dates in the future as required. Many of mine are recurring projects, Vaccination of lambs happens every year. But I can't set the dates for when to vaccinate each batch until I set the dates for the rams to go in and thus know when the lambs are due. Last action in the project of Sheep Breeding (that starts with ram selection, mating plans, rams in and out, backup rams etc) is to set the start dates for the actions in the project Vaccinate New Lambs.

I'm currently running with 40 active contexts and about 300 active projects. I separate my computer type contexts out by application, I have contexts for inside with help or outside with help for things where one set of hands isn't enough to do the job and I also separate out my hobby stuff from home projects.

Later in the year I'll have projects based on each separate field as required. If I'm out in one field I might as well do everything there I can before I leave.

I tried weather based contexts but that didn't work as well for me because with animals some things have to be done by a certain time no matter what the weather. So you try to do them when it's appropriate weather but in the end they have to be done weather be damned.