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hi, im new to omnifocus and GTD and am in the process of setting everything up. i was hoping one of you mofo's (master omnifocus organizers) could help me come up with a solution to a workflow problem.

my basic issue is this: parallel projects just use the top item as a next action. i guess this just keeps the ball rolling on a project and i then need to make sure i more or less organize the actions inside it in a priority type fashion. what do i do however when there are 3 or 4 steps that need to be done for a project that are equally important and would therefore all qualify to be chosen as 'next actions'?

if i could put a single action list as step in a project it would work great because i could then just choose from the actions and pick the one that would be best to do next in that moment, but i dont seem to be able to do this.

ex. the project is sequential as it is to be done in order and the group is an example of what im referring to. i would like both the a and b sub actions in the group to be next actions as they are equal in every way. if the group was a single action list instead, it would work this way and they would both be next actions.

PROJECT: get van detailed

- group: get tel. numbers of various detail shops
. . sub action: get list of carwashes online
. . sub action: get list of carwashes in yellow pages

- action: call all shops for prices

- action: take car for cleaning

the solution ive found is to move the items in the group to a single action list called "SAL get van detail numbers" that way they are all on my next action list and then i change the 'group' in the project to another action that just says "complete SAL get van detail numbers" so now its

SAL: SAL get van detail numbers
. action: get list of carwashes online
. action: get list of carwashes in yellow pages

PROJECT: get van detailed

- action: complete SAL get van detail numbers

- action: call all shops for prices

- action: take car for cleaning

any advice on a better way to handle this? thank you so much