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Originally Posted by curt.clifton View Post
Do you have syncing turned on, or have you in the past?

I've noticed a bug where if syncing is turned on and then turned back off, the database grows without bound. It looks like OF is saving transactions to be shared with remote clients that no longer exist. A work-around for me was to turn on Bonjour syncing with the database stored "on this Mac". My database size dropped from 12MB to 350KB immediately and has stayed there. I don't have any remote clients that attach to the database, but leaving sync turned on has kept the size down. (Bug reported last week by Help --> Send Feedback.)
P.S. for those who are lost by curts suggestion, this is the procedure (curt will correct me if i'm wrong)

1) go to omnifocus preferences
2) select "sync" and check box "keep the sync database on this mac", then choose your password