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Originally Posted by RobTrew View Post

tell application id "OGfl"
	tell canvas of front window
		make new shape at end of graphics with properties {corner radius:5, fill:linear fill, draws stroke:false, autosizing:clip, size:{90.0, 90.0}, text:{{text:"This text is ", alignment:center}, {text:"partially", alignment:center, font:"Helvetica-Bold"}, {text:" bolded", alignment:center}}, origin:{358.0, 223.000002}, gradient color:{0.666667, 0.177494, 0.193412}, magnets:{{0, 1}, {0, -1}}, vertical padding:0, fill color:{1.0, 0.610458, 0.121713}}
	end tell
end tell
There used to be a bug in scripted changes to text properties which required a forced refresh (by nudging zoom level) before you could see the results, but my impression was that that has now been addressed.

If you change your make new shape to use an existing shape, and try to set it's properties with a dictionary, you will find a ton of properties will not work (not visually, nor even changing the underlying data, I think). From the properties I have tried so far, I have had trouble with all of the following:
name, text, stroke_cap, autosizing, fill, fill_color, blend_color, gradient_color, gradient_angle, blend_fraction, side_padding, vertical_padding, textRotation, head_type, tail_type, head_scale, tail_scale, line_type
On the whole it does not look like setting multiple properties of an existing shape via a dictionary is supported. Could someone from Omni confirm / shed some light?
