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I have also been working on an export script, but with a little different flavor. I use OG 4 to draw a bunch of buttons/icons in one canvas.
Then, in the "Note" for each object I want to export I put the
text "ExportTo[filename]"

Anyway, this seems to work, and as it wasn't very obvious to me (an intermittent Applescripter at best) I post it here in case its useful:
(ps. if anyone has a simple way to do regular expressions in Applescript
on the note contents would be nice to simplify into
filename = first group of match regex "exportTo[.*?]" on string this_note
or something like that!

tell application "OmniGraffle Professional"
	set myWindow to front window
	set myDoc to document of myWindow
	set export_folder to (choose folder with prompt "Pick the folder to export icons to process") as string
	set exportType to "PNG"
	set exportFileExtension to "png"
	--copy current export settings to mySettings but I cant restore...
	set allProps to properties of current export settings
	set include border of current export settings to false
	set copy linked images of current export settings to false
	set area type of current export settings to selected graphics
	tell front document
		repeat with i from 1 to number of items in every canvas
			set this_canvas to item i of every canvas
			set canvas of myWindow to this_canvas
			tell canvas i
				set allGraphics to (every graphic whose notes contains "ExportTo[")
				repeat with i from 1 to number of items in allGraphics
					set this_item to item i of allGraphics
					set this_note to notes of this_item
					set this_userData to user data of this_item
					set this_tag to tag of this_item
					-- Check if regex ExportTo[xxxx] exists in the note
					-- and set file name to export to that name
					set startIndex to offset of "ExportTo[" in this_note
					set subString to texts from (startIndex + 9) to length of this_note
					set endIndex to offset of "]" in subString
					set fileName to texts 1 thru (endIndex - 1) of subString
					set selection of myWindow to {this_item}
					set exportFileName to export_folder & fileName & "." & exportFileExtension
					save myDoc as exportType in exportFileName
				end repeat
			end tell
		end repeat
	end tell
end tell